Motivation in Psychology: Why Is Motivation Powerful


Motivation in psychology: Why Is Motivation Powerful

Those who have motivation have more fun in life and act more successfully. A look at motivation Psychology and concepts is worthwhile. They show where a motivational hole comes from and how to overcome it.

What to do to get a new motivation boost?

What motivates people?

How well-motivated money?

What happens when we are particularly motivated? – The magic of the “Flow.”

The holistic motivation concept “Higrow.”

Suppose you can hardly wait to start your work in the morning and come home with high satisfaction in the evening. In that case, you know what a precious gift she is: motivation. It not only brings success but also feelings of happiness.

She creates space for inspiration and inner fulfillment if we understand it to let motivation bubble without spending ourselves. Unfortunately, it only sometimes comes at the push of a button.

What to do to get a new motivation boost?

Motivation often makes itself in daily work, school, or training. Whether examination or projects – what started with great enthusiasm can suddenly lead to listlessness.

Hence, review strategy critically. Is the work plan realistic, or would it have to be adjusted?

Next, changes in learning or working techniques can bring a new motivation boost: improve the environment to enable work in peace; this can be the first step.

It is also beneficial to get a clear overview of the work – list everything, cut them down into smaller units, and determine critical stages for coping.

This is additional work, but it has proven itself. Because the moment the project becomes manageable, trust grows to make it – a real motivation curb.

What motivates people?

The American psychologist Abraham Maslow created a pyramid of needs in 1943. It is still considered a valuable model to explain the development of motivation. Accordingly, a person acts if a demand remains unsatisfied.

Pyramid of needs according to Abraham Maslow. First of all, Satisfy the basic needs.

Physiological needs such as hunger, thirst, sleep, and physical well-being, followed by the requirements for security and social recognition, motivate physiological conditions. Only then is it about needs such as appreciation and self-esteem?

According to this model, the decisive drive spring of motivation is the pyramid of needs that lack something that he needs or would like to have. If you want to watch, appreciate, and have prestige, This factors will motivate you.

This knowledge has long since found precipitation in the world of work. Praise of the boss, a promotion, a bonus – employees and workers are spurred into better positions.

The distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation is ancient. It probably already goes back to Aristotle, who did not use these terms, but in Nicomachean ethics difference between the pleasure that is essentially in a job and the pleasure that comes from outside.

In 1918 the American psychologist Robert S. Woodworth used the concept of intrinsic/extrinsic. Extrinsic means motivation that the award and extra money can influence; intrinsically, the motivation that arises from the inside when the work is fun or follows a goal with which one identifies.

The theory of self-determination from the 1980s by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan went even more precisely. The two psychologists from the US University in Rochester found that three factors can have a particularly motivating effect: firstly, autonomy, i.e., self-determined work, secondly the feeling of competence, i.e., feeling your skills at work; and thirdly a pleasant social Climate, i.e., belonging to a group of friendly colleagues.

How well-motivated money?

Money as a motivator plays a significant role in the world of work. Research has shown that money increases well-being and motivation up to an income of 5000 euros a month. Conversely, the feeling of underpayment can reduce incentives. The unequal payment for the same work has a particularly negative effect; the gradual increase in the salary, in turn, is highly positive. But not alone.

A good strategy for employee motivation is: the workplace must be attractive, especially about environment – i.e., the colleagues and superiors -initiative should be promoted, and the employees need success experiences to remain motivated.

What happens when we are particularly motivated? – The magic of the “Flow.”

Flow denotes a feeling of happiness that arises from complete rising in an activity that someone is doing. Deep concentration creates a dynamic in which everything seems to go by itself.

Most people know the flow state from their free time-in sports, singing or making music, or dancing. But FlowFlow is something that can arise in every activity if it fits the person who is doing it.

Anyone who turns the hobby into a profession has a good chance of recurring flow experiences. The body helps. It is a big motivational supporter. When a person is in his element – that is what makes him happy – his body pours dopamine out so that he reaches the goal and then the happiness hormone serotonin as a reward.

If you never get into a flow, you either have yet to find what he enjoys, says motivational researcher Michaela Brohm-Badry, or he does not close his projects and gives up too early.

Flow can also make you addicted. For example, computer games mount this danger. They are often designed to create a flow. Everyone has to find an exit strategy.

Anyone who loves to sink into an activity and forget the time enjoys a gifted state but must also ask themselves self-critically: Can I still control the request?

The holistic motivation concept “Higrow.”

The “Higrow” concept aims to develop your potential. It was developed by psychologist Michaela Brohm-Badry and is intended to help lead a fulfilling life. The focus is on “identity” – finding out your own identity. Who am I, and what do I want to do in life?

If you are looking for real motivation, you should ask yourself this question, says the researcher, because goals should have something to do with yourself. Then in the second step, everyone should think about their ideal future. What type of person do you want to be? In which direction do you want to develop?

Model_ Higrow-Concept. Value with the Hi-Grow concept: What do I want?

Third step: “Go for it” – go. In focus is on the direction, not the result. Therefore: don’t tackle everything at once, but first, suitable stages. Build on your own strengths and not on the weaknesses.

The reward should work with this strategy of small steps. Self-talks can be held, such as: “I learned a lot today. I am an inquisitive person.” A recommendation is that the old motto “self-praise stinks.” Research shows that the human brain reacts to positive self-evaluations like the flow state and releases dopamine and serotonin.

The “Higrow concept” also includes factors in self-review. “Open-Mindedness” recommends an everlasting openness for new “Well-being and health” reflections on well-being. So “Higrow” is a holistic concept that is about developing not only the next goal but also your personality.

the psychology of motivation

however, a person’s individual values, interests, goals, and priorities to explain human behavior must also be considered. The importance and objectives of a person also determine the motivation to achieve something. Some people are more interested in one other than others and vice versa.

Motivation arises when a motif stimulates as a result of an unsatisfied need. A motif must therefore affect an incentive so that reason and, associated with it, behavior occur. As a result, for example, through the following situation:

A confrontation with an examination situation (incentive) can activate the need for performance (motif).

The driving force is usually so-called affect anticipation. Man only acts motivated if he hopes for positive emotional consequences of an action. Such positive emotional consequences can be good grades, recognition from parents, or joy and pride in themselves:

Faced with our existential problems and chronic dissatisfaction, the psychology of motivation places introspection at the heart of therapy. His goal? Ask our deep desires to make us accept the reality of our condition. But also as we are.

The method

At the origin of the psychology of motivation, there is the idea of a little “crazy” by Paul Diel (1893-1972). “Diel wanted to develop a method that would consist in writing a psychological” novel by training. “This novel tells the story of a fictitious character-in reality himself-who learns to live. “Explains Alain Bavelier, psychopractor and trainer with the Institute for Training in Motivation Psychology (IFPM). At the center of this therapeutic method rests introspection, the main and essential tool to question our desires and understand the deep psychological springs that animate us daily. A methodological originality that even provoked the enthusiasm of Einstein, who wrote in 1937 to Paul Diel, “I admired the power and the consequence of your thought. »»

Promotion of a session

A psychotherapy session in motivation psychology traditionally begins with a listening time on the therapist’s part. This is quite similar to what is happening during psychoanalysis, the patient evokes in detail the problem that led him to consult. But in a second step, the therapist, instead of delivering his interpretation, directs the patient’s discourse to the heart of his problem using the method of psychological calculation”. This method supports introspection: the objective for the patient is to understand where he is misplacing his perceptions of himself and of the world and to see to what extent the complaints mentioned depend on a system D ‘Complex self-adjustment. We are the main actors in our history; therefore, we also create the situations we suffer from. At the end of the session, work on dreams is also done.

Indications and contraindications

Anyone who experiences an inner disturbance, deep problem of personal construction, and intense existential questioning needs therapy in motivation psychology. However, this psychotherapy does not replace psychiatric management for patients with major mental disorders (psychosis, schizophrenia …).

Finally, Before considering a therapist, make sure that the contact is of quality, and there is a real Intellectual meeting. Otherwise, the work can not be effective.


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