

content optimization refers to the process of allowing your content to rank in search engines or turn to lead conversions We must not bury our heads in the sand. Between YouTube, podcasts, and audiobooks, I must admit that I spend less time reading and it is not without consequence. When I read, I read slower and for less time.

People are still reading, there is no doubt about it. After all, literacy levels have never been higher!

It is not a question of capacity, it is a question of will.

There has never been so much competition for people’s attention. Between Tik Tok, traditional media, Facebook, and Netflix… How do you stand out? How do you do it? pick up, keep and monetize people’s attention?

It’s a complicated question, but I think the answer will be up in two things.

  1. Maximize the value offered.
  2. Minimize friction.

Since the economy is a phenomenon that emerges from the human condition, Then “value” should not be defined in economic or monetary terms, but physio and psychological terms.

  1. Does it create emotion?
  2. Does it create (or prevent) pain?

Emotion doesn’t have to be positive. Yes, people like to laugh, but they also like to cry, feel outraged, or even disgusted. Take a look at the popularity of TikTok videos filmed by civilians during the war in Ukraine! Emotion leads to action, it’s as simple as that.

People also consume content that they find useful, that is, content that improves their life experience by minimizing pain and maximizing their safety. Tutorials fall into this category.

Ideally, if you want to know HOW TO OPTIMIZE YOUR CONTENT CREATION.

if you need to maximize the impact of your content, you want to do both: you want to create USEFUL content that also offers EMOTIONS. There is a term for that kind of content — infotainment. (information + entertainment)

It’s not for nothing that, all over the world, comedians start commenting on the news! I hate it because it’s not authentic (there’s always a hidden agenda). But, no matter what I think, there’s no denying that it’s a formula that works.

In short, once you know how to create value, we have to talk about friction.

Friction represents the energy a person must expend to be able to consume your content.

For example, this sentence is more difficult to read because it is written in size 6.

The media (the content that allows the delivery of content) always introduces a little friction. It is because of this that it is important to optimize the typography of your website and pay particular attention to its design and speed. If friction gets people off reading a sentence, you can be sure it’s going to stop them from putting their credit card number!

It’s not just the container that causes the friction, the contents can also get stuck in themselves. For example, if your text is plain of votes, it disturbs the reader!

Price is another form of friction! Money is a technology that serves to preserve one’s energy through space and time. The more expensive it is, the more you spend your “past” energy.

Anyway, you understand the principle.

My point is this: if you don’t want to leave people indifferent if you want people to click, consume and share, you can’t afford to butcher. You have no choice but to apply yourself and do things right.

Not only that, but I would go so far as to say that you have to adapt to the preferences of your audience.

As I said at the beginning of my newsletter, it feels like people read less because “text” has an increasingly strong competition because of the rise in the popularity of audio and video.

Some people prefer text: it’s much easier to “scan” to find relevant info than audio or video.

Others find it too boring to play and prefer video which is a more passive medium.

Eventually, others want to maximize their non-productive time by listening to audio. (Hard to read while jogging, grocery shopping, or driving!)


you must have a content strategy that 1) maximizes the value offered while 2) reducing friction and 3) respecting your audience’s preferred medium.

If you manage to do this:

  • You will succeed in developing an audience of loyal fans ready to do anything to support your business
  • Your content will be referenced on Google and YouTube as much as Spotify and iTunes.
  • You will gain the respect of your peers and establish yourself as a leader in your industry.
  • Your products/services will become “top of mind” and people will come to you, credit card in hand, ready to sign any offer. No more prospecting!

If it’s that hot, you’re probably wondering why almost NO ONE does this strategy. But you know the answer: it takes too much effort.

In the past, I would have proved you right, but not anymore. Thanks to the Bunkers, it is now possible to:

  1. Script a video, deliver it to the teleprompter, and publish it on YouTube.
  2. Export the audio gram and publish it as a podcast.
  3. Rework the script and make it a blog post.

For a 10-minute video, it’s possible to accomplish all this in one working day per week (2 if you’re a perfectionist and we include social media broadcasting).

Since the technical side of the image and sound are already optimized, it gives you more time to focus on the essentials: your content.

Essentially, Bunkers allow you to maximize the value you offer, limit friction and respect your audience’s preferred medium. All this, at negligible cost.


The main goal of digital content optimization is to be assesible in search engines. Here are 9 Basic steps to improve your digital presence

  1. 1. Find the right topic and the right keyword
  2. 2. Find Related keywods
  3. 3. Establish your structures by improving your readability
  4. 4. Manage Keyword Density
  5. 5. Add Images
  6. 6. Interlink
  7. 7. Cover The topic Indepth
  8. 8. Consider technical elements
  9. 9. Update Your Content Regularly

Learning How to optimize your content creation is as important as your blog.


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